Origin: Venezuelan
Instructor of Pole Beginner/Intermediate and Choreography
Started Pole: in 2017
Why I started Pole Dancing: I need a new hobby, but also, I was sick of just going to the gym to exercise, I’ve always liked to stay active though, so I found a Pole Studio near my work and decided to give it a try! It was love at first sight! I felt this discipline was made for me, it had everything I needed and loved to do! Dancing, acrobatics, sport and a plus of self-confidence and mental therapy…what else could I ask for? I found my hobby but also something that makes me feel so passionate till now!!
The struggles in pursuing Pole Fitness: Well it was hard some days to find the energy to train after work, but nothing compared to when I got pregnant of course, it was hard training during those months and even harder during post-partum. I struggled so much to recover my strength, everything hurt so much, just like the first time, it was like starting all over again! And not just that, I normally didn’t have too much sleep so I felt exhausted most of the time…I got a little discouraged at the beginning, but somehow, I found the strength and discipline to do it, and I’m so proud and happy I did!
Reason to be an Instructor: I’ve always loved to teach, in every area I feel I can, although I’ve never been a formal teacher or instructor till now. I think it’s the way you learn the most! So, having this opportunity makes me so excited and grateful!! I love to see the progress in my students, to show them everything I know and help them improve, I love to be part of their journey and evolution. Also, the face when they achieve their goals…Is priceless!
Favorite quote: “Learn as if you will live forever, live like you will die tomorrow.” Mahatma Gandhi